Being Poor...
Being poor to Allah (swt)
- It is important that we always feel poor to Allah (swt) and broken to Him and never feel we are rich from Allah (swt), istaghfar Allah. There was a woman who wanted to get married but she was advised not to marry the man because he has a difficult personality and his family is difficult to deal with. She said Iâm well-mannered and with when he sees the way my behavior, heâll change â so she depended on herself. She married this man and their relationship was filled with screaming at each other, and then she decided to make her food more appealing, and the situation got worse to the point he was hitting her. Then she redecorated the house, so she was only depending on the means thinking that will change her situation. Until once she heard a lecture about the name of Allah Al Jabar, and she started to invoke Allah (swt) by this name. Then one day her husband was beaten. Then he understood that he was wronging his wife and repented for what he did because he could see all the bad he did to his wife was happening to him, subhan Allah.
- ·        People face tests either so that they repent from their wrongs or someone might be righteous and theyâre being tested in order to increase them in faith and ranks.
- ·        When weâre facing difficulties, we are broken and humble before Allah (swt), but when the difficulty goes away then we forget. Allah (swt) tells us in Surah Fatir 15: (ÙÙÙÙ°ÙŰŁÙÙÙÙÛÙۧ Ù±ÙÙÙÙŰ§ŰłÙ ŰŁÙÙŰȘÙÙ Ù Ù±ÙÛĄÙÙÙÙ۱ÙŰąŰĄÙ Ű„ÙÙÙÙ Ù±ÙÙÙÙÙÙÛ) (O mankind! it is you who stand in need of AllĂąh) - A person once said, how can I be a slave â âabd â while Iâm rich, istaghfar Allah. This attitude shows being independent from Allah (swt) and not in need of Him, istaghfar Allah. May we always be attached to Allah (swt) and turn to Him first. Ameen.Â
- ·        Allah (swt) tells us in Surah Adh Dhariyat 22: (ÙÙÙÙÙ Ù±ÙŰłÙÙÙ ÙŰąŰĄÙ Ű±ÙŰČÛĄÙÙÙÙÙ ÛĄ ÙÙÙ Ùۧ ŰȘÙÙŰčÙŰŻÙÙÙÙ) (And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised.) â you need to trust Allah (swt) that He will provide you and nothing will be lost of your provision. You need to be sure that all provision is with Allah (swt), not someone else.
- ·        Imagine if someone tells you that your salary will go from 10k to 1k â do you believe that Allah is Ar Razaq or do you complain? Subhan Allah
- ·        A mother might have daughters that arenât married sheâs told, go take them out, let them be seen so that they get married. And she tells them that her daughters are shy. Sheâs sure that Allah (swt) will bring them the best husbands at the best time â this is thinking good about Allah (swt).
- ·        You might be financially unable to get a house, but you think good about Allah (swt) and know that He will give you a good house. Never limit yourself with Allah (swt) â never put means as a barrier.
- ·        Rizq is with Allah (swt), not anyone else â Allah (swt) owns the treasures of the heavens of the earth, and nothing decreases from His dominion, so always think good about Allah (swt). And believe that tomorrow will be better than today because Allah (swt) is the Most Generous â He is Al Kareem.
- ·        Allah (swt) tells us in Surah Al Baqarah 259: (ŰŁÙÙÛĄ ÙÙÙ±ÙÙÙŰ°ÙÙ Ù Ù۱ÙÙ ŰčÙÙÙÙÙ° ÙÙŰ±ÛĄÙÙŰ©ÙÛŹ ÙÙÙÙÙÙ ŰźÙۧÙÙÙÙŰ©Ù ŰčÙÙÙÙÙ° ŰčÙ۱ÙÙŰŽÙÙÙۧ ÙÙۧÙÙ ŰŁÙÙÙÙÙÙ° ÙÙŰÛĄÙÙÛŠ ÙÙÙÙ°Ű°ÙÙÙ Ù±ÙÙÙÙÙÙ ŰšÙŰčÛĄŰŻÙ Ù ÙÙÛĄŰȘÙÙÙۧâÛ ÙÙŰŁÙÙ ÙۧŰȘÙÙÙ Ù±ÙÙÙÙÙÙ Ù ÙۧÙŰŠÙŰ©Ù ŰčÙŰ§Ù ÙÛŹ Ű«ÙÙ ÙÙ ŰšÙŰčÙŰ«ÙÙÙ Û„âÛ ÙÙۧÙÙ ÚȘÙÙ ÛĄ ÙÙŰšÙŰ«ÛĄŰȘÙâÛ ÙÙۧÙÙ ÙÙŰšÙŰ«ÛĄŰȘÙ ÙÙÙÛĄÙ Ùۧ ŰŁÙÙÛĄ ŰšÙŰčÛĄŰ¶Ù ÙÙÙÛĄÙ ÙÛŹâÛ ÙÙۧÙÙ ŰšÙÙ ÙÙÙŰšÙŰ«ÛĄŰȘÙ Ù ÙۧÙŰŠÙŰ©Ù ŰčÙŰ§Ù ÙÛŹ ÙÙÙ±ÙŰžÙŰ±ÛĄ Ű„ÙÙÙÙÙ° Ű·ÙŰčÙŰ§Ù ÙÙÙ ÙÙŰŽÙ۱ÙۧۚÙÙÙ ÙÙÙ ÛĄ ÙÙŰȘÙŰłÙÙÙÙÙÛĄâÛ ÙÙÙ±ÙŰžÙŰ±ÛĄ Ű„ÙÙÙÙÙ° ŰÙÙ Ùۧ۱ÙÙÙ ÙÙÙÙÙÙŰŹÛĄŰčÙÙÙÙÙ ŰĄÙۧÙÙŰ©ÙÛŹ ÙÙÙÙÙÙÙۧ۳ÙâÛ ÙÙÙ±ÙŰžÙŰ±ÛĄ Ű„ÙÙÙÙ Ù±ÙÛĄŰčÙŰžÙŰ§Ù Ù ÚȘÙÙÛĄÙÙ ÙÙÙŰŽÙŰČÙÙÙۧ Ű«ÙÙ ÙÙ ÙÙÙÛĄŰłÙÙÙÙۧ ÙÙŰÛĄÙ ÙÛŹŰ§âÛ ÙÙÙÙÙ ÙÙۧ ŰȘÙŰšÙÙÙÙÙÙ ÙÙÙÙ Û„ ÙÙۧÙÙ ŰŁÙŰčÛĄÙÙÙ Ù ŰŁÙÙÙÙ Ù±ÙÙÙÙÙÙ ŰčÙÙÙÙÙ° ÚȘÙÙÙÙ ŰŽÙÙÛĄŰĄÙÛŹ ÙÙŰŻÙÙ۱ÙÛŹ) (Or like the one who passed by a town and it had tumbled over its roofs. He said: "Oh! How will AllĂąh ever bring it to life after its death?" So AllĂąh caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him up (again). He said: "How long did you remain (dead)?" He (the man) said: "(Perhaps) I remained (dead) a day or part of a day". He said: "Nay, you have remained (dead) for a hundred years, look at your food and your drink, they show no change; and look at your donkey! And thus We have made of you a sign for the people. Look at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh". When this was clearly shown to him, he said, "I know (now) that AllĂąh is Able to do all things.") â know that Allah (swt) is able to change your spouse, children, maids, house, work, situation all for the better. You donât want to die and then know that Allah (swt) is able to do all things, know it now. Know that the relief is near and that Allah (swt) will solve your problems. But we are in need of being poor and broken to Allah (swt).
- ·        Donât complain to the people about your problems â they canât bear it and they themselves have problems of their own. And never feel as if youâre rich from Allah (swt).
- ·        Imagine youâre sitting at the doctorâs office, looking at the door opening and closing, waiting for your turn, hoping that the doctor will give you some good news, but you forget that Allahâs door is open all the time, subhan Allah.
- ·        Always hope for goodness and donât let the shaitan tell you âwhat goodness?â istaghfar Allah. May Allah (swt) increase us in yaqeen and may we always be poor to Him. Ameen.
Your words possess such beauty! Jazakillah khayr for the reminder
Your words possess such beauty! Jazakillah khayr for the reminder
I love your write-upsite, your reminders, Allahumma baarik! I also love what this man has on his fruit cart, the tawakkul, SubahaanAllah.
Jazaakumullah khair ya ukhti
Ma shaallah ur words touches my heart what a beautiful sule u have beltaoofep in shaallah
Jazaky Allah khair